Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Lessons from the Re-Birth Project ... part 2

Hey, thanks or stopping by.
Last we I started to share the valuable lessons my team and I learned from our MC&A-led Re-Birth Project. Read below for Part 2.

4. Not to be so judgmental

Admittedly, we began the Re-Birth Project with certain assumptions. Our request was children who are brilliant but troubled. We expected the issues. What we didn’t expect was to meet children who genuinely wanted to do and be better; but lacked the motivation and support to achieve it.

5. There is a need for good parenting education

There was never a truer statement spoken. As early as the the Press Launch, two things were painfully apparent. One, these parents loved their children, and the other, they were at their wits end. During the briefing session, a week before the first workshop, the parents almost brought us to tears as they relayed their struggles and frustration in dealing with their children. They had been anxious for help.

During the Project the parents eagerly participated in their sessions, asked questions, took notes and shared openly about their failures and progress. Recognizing the parents’ genuine desire to do more for their children, Parent Places - a NPSC initiative - were implemented at the Tivoli Gardens and Norman Manley High Schools.

Kelly Tomblin, President and CEO, JPS group facilitator at The Re-Birth Project

6. Need to break generational cycle

Almost all parent participants were adamant that they do not want their children to have the life they now have. Living in low-socioeconomic, violent communities, the parents all want better for their children. This, many times was the root of their frustration. The children refused to see that their current lifestyle was leading to a road the parents were all too familiar with. The stories of their mothers and relatives having children during teenage years, absent baby fathers, relatives who died in their prime and constant child-parent conflict were common debilitating struggles. These are cycles that must be broken if these children, and many like them are to grow up to become productive citizens.

7. Leadership is important

Working with both schools underscored the value of good leadership. After being referred by the Ministry of Education we made contact with both schools. Immediately, Norman Manley High School set itself apart. The Guidance Department was present, concerned, engaged, more organised with information being processed and feedback communicated in a timely manner. At least one teacher attended every session - with apology rendered ahead of time for absence. One of the school’s Deans of Discipline was even assigned to the Project attending many of the sessions on Saturdays and showed great hospitality when the Project relocated to the school.

8. Change takes time

Marcus Steele, Managing Director, Carreras Group, at The Re-Birth Project
After working with the students for nine weeks, with regular assessments from the teachers and parents, regrettably, some children have shown no signs of change. Two fell out along the way, and refused to re-enter despite overtures made. There were weeks we were ready to throw in the towel as we just couldn’t see our efforts making a difference. On occasions Carol Narcisse, with far more years of being involved with social intervention had to console us. But, slowly, change started. No big leaps, but tiny, sometimes microscopic steps. Still, change was made and continues to happen. Parents report that children are more obedient, relate better with siblings, are more respectful, spend less time on the streets where much of the temptation lurks and are paying more attention to their school work. They haven’t transformed, but slowly, steadily, change occurs.

There were at least three, all boys, who were referred to the Ministry of Education and the Child Development Agency (CDA) for further intervention. We feared that if we did not act, we would be reading about them in our newspapers...not positive either. The CDA thankfully responded with alacrity and as far as we know the boys are receiving the necessary support.

9. Effective marketing doesn't always have to be expensive 

The Re-Birth Project costs. When we started the project we had big plans and $100,000 from a singular sponsor - Grace. Our reality was tough...weekly expenses in excess of $250,000. Companies/organisations we spoke with had already made budget allocations but some were willing to assist when we outlined what we were doing. Still, we definitely had no money to spend on marketing and promotion. So we wrote about the project and sought interviews, presenting the value of the programme, its objectives and the work being done. We also issued an open invitation to some of our favourite local business executives (Kelly Tomblin, JPS; Marcus Steele, Carreras; Joylene Griffiths-Irving, Scotiabank; Glen Christian, Cari-Med; Rosalee Gage-Grey, CDA; Linda Miller, COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union ) to be a part of the programme. Their involvement brought attention to the Project and PR for their companies.

Rosalee Gage-Grey, CEO, Child Development Agency, at The Re-Birth Project

10. Jamaica has corporate companies and people who genuinely care about Jamaica’s children and our country’s development

We must pay special tribute to those companies who captured the vision and provided support in one form or another: Spanish Court Hotel, ScotiaFoundation, JPS, Grace Financial Services, Grace Foods:Lishous, FreshStart, First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union, Jamaica Mortgage Bank, Cari-Med Foundation, JMMB Foundation, Laris Productions, COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union, Sagicor Life–Jamaica, Juici Patties, Tastee Patties, Kirk Distributors, CB Foods Limited, Alicia Bogues, Everton Stewart Videography, Caribbean Maritime Institute, Jamaica Constabulary Force, Carreras Group, Kosmo Car Rental, Norman Manley High School, Tankweld Construction, Kirk Davis Graphic Designs.

Melody Cammock-Gayle is the Director of MC&A - a marketing and communications firm.

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